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Monday, November 1, 2010

Exciting Matches in Tuesday's Champion's League Games (11/2/2010)

Tuesday November 2nd is the first day of the 4th round of Champion's League Ligilla. The games I'm most looking forward to are the match between Tottenham and Inter and the match between Valencia and Glasgow.

Inter and Tottenham got together last week for a 4-3 tale of two halves. Inter lept out to an early lead with a goal in the first minute by captain Javier Zanetti. By the end of the half, Inter had a 4-0 lead. It nearly wasn't enough.

Gareth Bale put the Hot Spurs on his back and brought the score back to 4-3 before the final whistle. Check out the video below.

Adding to the curiosity, Inter's coach Rafa Benitez returns to the league he is most familiar with: the English Premier League. Despite Rafa's clear advantage in familiarity and firepower, the home squad should give them all they can handle. It should be interesting.

Valencia and Glasgow should be interesting too. Valencia were punching well above their weight in Spain's La Liga until recently. They find themselves in 3rd in group C of the table; their 4 points trail Man U's 7 and Glasgow's 5. Can Valencia shrug off their cool streak and give the Rangers a loss? I think so.

I look forward to seeing Joaquin running rampant on the right flank and Valencia scoring 3 goals.

I'm less excited about the Barcelona - Copenhagen match. I expect Denmark's finest to sit back and play their best anti-football. Hopefully Barcelona can break through and get a few away goals.

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