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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Decaffeinated Cup: A Copa del Rey Update

Many of Spain's soccer cognoscenti have suggested that the Copa del Rey's format needs to be revised. The current format doesn't provide enough of a handicap to big teams to make the competition interesting. After Wednesday's results that impression can only grow!

Baby Barça crushed hapless Ceuta 5-1 in Camp Nou. Real Madrid exorcised their ghosts of Copa's past with a 5-1 humiliation of Murcia. Even Sevilla got in on the act with a 6-1 royal beat down of poor Real Unión. There were few results that could be considered an upset.

Perhaps some would see an upset in Betis' elimination of Zaragoza, but despite the fact the Betis currently plays in the second division and Zaragoza is in the first, these two teams are virtual equals. Betis has long played in Spain's first division and has a rich palmares to prove it. Zaragoza, while usually a first-division team, only returned to the top flight this year after a rough patch several years ago. This was no upset.

Indeed few of the big home teams had much to play for. Atletico Madrid had won their away match 5-0, so there was little reason fight hard against Las Palmas. In the end they tied 1-1 in this second leg, for a 6-1 victory.

It seems clear that Spain needs to return to the 1-game format that they used until 6-7 years ago. Up to that point, the bigger team had to win on the smaller team's home field. There was 1 game and that was it. Then, in later rounds, teams would play a 2-game playoff to see who advanced. The format was much more friendly to the Davids of the Spanish soccer world. Let's bring that back.

At least these unbalanced competitions have given us some fun highlights. Here's the Baby Barca - Ceuta palizo, I'll post Madrid and Sevilla later if I can find them.

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